Thursday 9 December 2010

Analysis Of Album Covers In The Same Genre

Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against the Machine

           This album cover consists of a picture from a very famous polititcal protest, a Vietnamese Buddhist burning himself alive. This could be considered a controversial image for the cover which reflects the band themselves as RATM are considered a rather controversial band. The cover does reflect this representation of the band. Most album art reflects the content of the album such as the meaning of the lyrics. I think this is apparaent here as RATM are well known to have quite extreme views and extreme lyrics.

          I think this cover would appeal mainly to the band's more hardcore fan base. The lack of colour and the small font for the band name means that it wouldn't be too eye catching for people who haven't heard much from the band. On the other hand the startling picture may act as an eye catching tool. All of this gives the band their own style as there a very few, if any, band that are similar in style to RATM.

Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures

          This cover features a human body with a vultures head in front of a bright red background with many vultures also flying around . The vulture itself is unique to the band which again brings across the fact that most alternative bands try to have their own image and style. I think this a convention of the genre as all of the bands, especially muse, are very unique in their style.

          The red background I think would be very eye catching, intending to make people pick up the album and buy it. Along with the vulture i think this would work quite well. The only difference between this and most albums is that this cover does not really reflect the content of the lyrics for the album. This may be because the band, again, want to appear uniquie and individual.