Monday 27 September 2010

Collective Analysis Of Muse Videos

          After viewing some of Muse's videos and analysing some, I have come to the conclusion that whilst they do stick to many codes and conventions of music videos, they also try and make each unique with their own style. They seem to have continuous themes running throughout their videos and in certain videos they have very similar images that are almost iconic to muse.

Shot From Muse's Video 'Uprising'

 Shot From Muse's Video 'Invincible'

They are a very conspiracy/ politically based band and this shows throughout all of their songs and videos.

1 comment:

  1. I think you need a more detailed summing up. You must talk about costume and the performance of the band. You might find that each performance and each set of costumes matches the text that they have used for inspiration in each video. Or it might be that performance and costume is similar no matter what.
