Thursday 11 November 2010

Codes And Conventions Of Music Videos In The Genre Of Our Song

          A big part of music videos of the 'Alternate Rock' Genre is a band performance. In the majority of alternate rock music videos there is a strong band performance which usually is in keeping with the tone of the song. For example, a upbeat pacy song would have a enegetic band performance whereas on the contrary a slow paced song would have a more relaxed or condensed performance.

         These music videos also feature a storyline that intercuts with the bands performance. This storyline is usually very distinct depending on the band. In Muse's case they have very crazy storylines, often space themed or conspiracy based. All these elements halp make the band and the videos themselves very memorable and appealing to the fans of the band and others interested in the genre. Usually they wear their own clothes, there aren't many of muse's videos where they wear unusual clothing. Other bands also follow this convention, it's only in rare cases where vey abstract and unusual costumes are used, such as the 'spaceman' video i analysed. So this is one of the conventions we will stick to with our video, the band members will wear normal clothing that they would ususally wear.

         Alot of the time bands use popular culture and cinematic references. These can be included in the lyrics of the song or the video, in some cases both. For example with Muse, they have the 'Dr Strangelove' theme in 'Time Is Running Out' or the fact that the video 'Knights Of Cydonia' runs out like a film. Other bands do this aswell, for example the band Weezer's video for the song 'Buddy Holly' Features the set and characters from the television show 'Happy Days'. We may consider using some of these references providing they fit in with the storyline for our video.

Link To Buddy Holly Video -


  1. Again, a good post but could do with a little more work. Try to sum up the performance, the costume and the other elements of the video as well. Also you could talk about the pop culture references. Are there any other muse videos or videos from this genre that use these types of references?

  2. This is a good blog so far Sam but I think you have fallen behind a little bit. You now need to get your initial ideas on here, you final idea, your storyboard, shooting script, location shots (if you have some), plans & research for your digipak and advert and also audience research. I am sure that you have most of this but it needs to be put on here so that it can be looked at and you can get some feedback. At this stage you should have all research and planning and your digipak and advert complete so you can concentrate on editing and making minor adjustments to your blog.
