Wednesday 26 January 2011

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

          We used a mass amount of new technology for our project. The main part is the blog. We used our blogs to post all of our work onto so it covered all stages of the project, research, planning and evaluation. I think that the blog played a big part in being able to get on with work efficiently as it is accessible from anywhere with a computer and internet access which nowadays is almost everywhere. I noticed many people updating their blog from their phones which makes a big difference to the way in which our projects have progressed. Social networking sites such as facebook have also helped during the planning stage as our group created a page specifically for getting in touch with each other. This technology would not have existed years ago and therefore we would have to rely on each other to know what would be happening and when. this technology has enabled us to be efficient and organised.

          Youtube was also a very helpful tool in our project as it helped us during the research and evaluation stages. Before the start of our project we looked at other videos that students from around the country had created which helped us get an idea of what our final projects would consist of. For the evaluation it was used as a way to gain feedback. Thanks to youtube spreading a video around is quite easy as all you have to do is link it to other sites which takes a matter of seconds. This is a quick and easy method that would not have existed many years ago and therefore makes for a much easier way of viewing and analysing videos today.

         Other technologies we used consist of:
  • Camera equipment
  • Mobile phones
  • Green screen technology
  • Editing software
  • Photoshop
  • Lighting equipment
          All of this technology helped make the project possible. Things such as camera equipment, editing software and lighting equipment are essentials when it comes to constructing any type of moving image. We incorperated green screen technology into our project as it allowed us to get the type of dark imagery we were looking for in our video.

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