Thursday 6 January 2011

Primary And Secondary Audience Research

          For our primary research we posed an interview with a big Muse fan. We asked him questions about his personal views on the band and the fans.

        For our secondary research we looked at alot of Muse forums and fan made films, groups and blogs. We found that Muse fans are an extremely dedicated group of fans. Alot of them make various videos or images and some even go as far as getting tattoos. Firsly we looked at the Muse forum on the bands main website, . We posted on this but recieved no feedback. However there are many other threads on there that show how dedicated Muse fans are. One of the most interesting I found was this thread, it's a thread about various items of clothing that the band themselves wear and where about the fans can buy them. So a lot of fans go as far as to model themselves on the band members. This thread gave us an insight into what the fans themselves wear which would help us dress the band members of our music video.

          Fans also choose to wear a lot of the muse clothing merchandise that can be bought from the website or at gigs.

          The fans also dedicate themselves to the muse imagery, such as the album art or the famous muse logo. Some like to draw pictures of them or create graphic designs, whereas some fans go to the extreme of getting tattoos.

          Alot of Muse fans learn their songs and record themselves performing the song and uplooad them to youtube. The most common is someone playing the guitar, they try to replicate some of the energy Muse have whilst playing live upon stage and this is something we will also look to replicate in our video.

          Other fans use other instruments such as piano as Matthew Bellamy plays them himself. Some fans do tutorials so other fans can watch and learn too....

            Some fans also learn the full songs and play the full version of the song all on one one instrument...

          Also I found out that Muse fans seem to have a particular connection with the guitars that Matthew Bellamy plays with. Most of all with the 'Manson Glitterati'. Alot of the fans try to replicate these guitars by either adding particular features from the Glitterati into their own guitars. Or by completely stripping down their own and repainting it to make it look like Matt's guitars.

          If you look at his collection of guitars he has lots of bright coloured, very 'out there' guitars. This is something we will use ourselves, try and get instruments that are brightly coloured.

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