Tuesday 25 January 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

          I think that the package works well together. The digipack had many conventional elements added in from our research as we discovered that many of Muse's album covers have a heavy space theme so we opted to include that theme on our digipack. We had already decided to use an image from our video as the front cover of our digipack as it would help relate it to the video itself and some bands often use such imagery. We also found that most bands use the same image from the front cover whilst advertising the album, it's only logical. Therefore we opted to do the same and we ended up with the following as our advert and the image as the front cover of our digipack.

          We also used the space theme on the digipack as it would help the fans identify the signature of the band and therefore would hopefully encourage them to buy the product. Most importantly, was the Muse logo. This was essential to include as Muse use this logo on everything that is officially theirs. This again helps the fans identify with the product and would be essential for the marketing of the product. 

Outside cover of the digipack. Includes space theme, clocks theme and Muse Logo.
          I think everything would work well as a package as the items all relate to each other and they can be clearly defined as a Muse product and that would be the main selling point, especially towards the intended target audience.

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