Friday 14 January 2011

Story Boards

        These are the planned storyboards for our music video production of 'Time Is Running Out' By Muse. As stated in previous posts Muse go for very abstract story lines. The story we have come up with is about a man, our main character, who is losing his grip on reality and descending into madness as though his 'time is running out'. All of these are subject to change. Our idea's may change depending on situations when filming. 

          The opening shots consist of steady shots of different clocks. The shots will synchronise with the opening of the song where there are a series of claps and clicking fingers made to sound like a ticking clock. This is followed by our main character waking up. He should be rather rough looking and the mise-en-scene will consist of lots of empty alcohol bottles and rubbish.

          The next series of shots is the main character in our video going into his bathroom to splash his face with water. He looks in the mirror and see's a mysterious hooded figure. We will also have rubbish scattered around the bathroom to add to the idea of the characters roughness.

       After the character see's the hooded figure he steps back startled, looks down at his arms and see's the words 'Time Is Running Out' written all over his arms.

           The main character then drops to the floor with his head in his hands as the words 'time is running out' appear around him. Then we will inter cut with shots of the band we will film. 

          There are more shots of the band inter cutting with lots of fast paced close-ups and sped up edits of the main character to symbolise the descent into madness.

          In these shots the main character is starting to destroy everything, the bottles etc... He is tearing things down from the wall.

           Here there are shots of a clock and the numbers start to fall off symbolising the time running out.

          More shots of the band.

          He receives a call, the phone says 'Time Is Running Out'.

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